
Analytical simulation of meander morphology from equilibrium to long-term evolution: Impacts of channel geometry and vegetation-induced coarsening

Published in International Journal of Sediment Research, 2025

This paper is about further developing pyRiverBed to evaluate the impacts of channel geometry and vegetation-induced coarsening

Recommended citation: Sun, Y., Song, X., Li, Z., Xu, H., & Bai, Y. (2025). Analytical simulation of meander morphology from equilibrium to long-term evolution: Impacts of channel geometry and vegetation-induced coarsening. International Journal of Sediment Research. doi:

Unveiling the Stochasticity of Bank Erosion: A Hybrid Deterministic and Stochastic Modeling Approach

Published in ESS Open Archive, 2024

This paper is about modeling the bank erosion using a novel hybrid deterministic and stochastic modeling approach

Recommended citation: Li, Z., Langendonen, E. J., & Garcia, M. H. (2024). Unveiling the Stochasticity of Bank Erosion: A Hybrid Deterministic and Stochastic Modeling Approach. Authorea Preprints. Authorea Preprints. doi:

Impact of topography and climate on post-fire vegetation recovery across different burn severity and land cover types through random forest

Published in Ecological Informatics, 2024

This paper is about examining the impact of topography and climate on post-fire vegetation recovery using a random forest model

Recommended citation: Zahura, F. T., Bisht, G., Li, Z., McKnight, S., & Chen, X. (2024). Impact of topography and climate on post-fire vegetation recovery across different burn severity and land cover types through random forest. Ecological Informatics, 82, 102757. doi:

Integrated Effects of Site Hydrology and Vegetation on Exchange Fluxes and Nutrient Cycling at a Coastal Terrestrial-Aquatic Interface

Published in Water Resources Research, 2024

This paper is about modeling the Exchange Fluxes and Nutrient Cycling at a Coastal Terrestrial-Aquatic Interface using the hydrologic model ATS

Recommended citation: Li, B., Li, Z., Zheng, J., Jiang, P., Holmquist, J., Regier, P. J., ... & Chen, X. (2024). Integrated effects of site hydrology and vegetation on exchange fluxes and nutrient cycling at a coastal terrestrial‐aquatic interface. Water Resources Research, 60(6), e2023WR035580. doi:

Evaluating the effects of burn severity and precipitation on post-fire watershed responses using distributed hydrologic models

Published in ESS Open Archive, 2023

This paper is about modeling the wildfire hydrologic impacts to watersheds using the hydrologic model ATS

Recommended citation: Li, Z., Li, B., Jiang, P., Hammond, G. E., Shuai, P., Coon, E., & Chen, X. (2023). Evaluating the effects of burn severity and precipitation on post-fire watershed responses using distributed hydrologic models. Authorea Preprints. Authorea Preprints. doi:

A hydrogeophysical framework to assess infiltration during a simulated ecosystem-scale flooding experiment

Published in Journal of Hydrology, 2023

This paper is about a framework to quantify changes in soil saturation in response to flooding caused by extreme hydrologic perturbation on coastal ecosystems

Recommended citation: Adebayo, M. B., Bailey, V. L., Chen, X., Hopple, A. M., Jiang, P., Li, B., Li, Z., Martin-Hayden, J. M., Megonigal, P. J., Regier, P. J., Rich, R., Stegen, J. C., Smith, R. W., Ward, N. D., Woodard, S. C., & Doro, K. O. (2023). A hydrogeophysical framework to assess infiltration during a simulated ecosystem-scale flooding experiment. Journal of Hydrology, 130243. doi:

High-resolution modeling of meander neck cutoffs: laboratory and field scales

Published in Frontiers in Earth Science, 2023

This paper is about high resolution numerical modeling of meander neck cutoff

Recommended citation: Li, Z., Mendoza, A., Abad, J. D., Endreny, T., Han, B., Carrisoza, E., & Dominguez, R. High-resolution modeling of meander neck cutoffs: laboratory and field scales. Frontiers in Earth Science, 11, 1208782. doi:

Integrated Effects of Site Hydrology and Vegetation on Exchange Fluxes and Nutrient Cycling at a Coastal Terrestrial-Aquatic Interface

Published in ESS Open Archive, 2023

This paper is about modeling the coastal terrestrial-aquatic interface using the hydro-biogeochemical model ATS-PFLOTRAN

Recommended citation: Li, B., Li, Z., Zheng, J., Jiang, P., Holmquist, J., Regier, P., ... & Myers-Pigg, A. (2023). Integrated Effects of Site Hydrology and Vegetation on Exchange Fluxes and Nutrient Cycling at a Coastal Terrestrial-Aquatic Interface. Authorea Preprints. doi:

Impact of Lake Michigan water level rise on complex bidirectional flow in the Chicago Area Waterway System (CAWS)

Published in Journal of Great Lakes Research, 2021

This paper is about numerical investigation of impact of Lake Michigan water level rise in the Chicago Area Waterway System (CAWS)

Recommended citation: Wang, D. C., Li, Z., Rojas-Aguirrea, A. F. & García, M. H. (2021). Impact of Lake Michigan water level rise on complex bidirectional flow in the Chicago Area Waterway System (CAWS). Journal of Great Lakes Research 47. doi:

pyRiverBed: A Python framework to generate synthetic riverbed topography of constant-width meandering rivers

Published in Computers & Geosciences, 2021

This paper is about a Python tool to generate synthetic riverbed topography of constant-width meandering rivers

Recommended citation: Li, Z., & García, M. H. (2021). pyRiverBed: A Python framework to generate synthetic riverbed topography of constant-width meandering rivers. Computers & Geosciences 152. doi:

Relationship of point bar morphology to channel curvature and planform evolution

Published in Geomorphology, 2020

This paper is about study on the relationship of point bar morphology to channel curvature and channel migration

Recommended citation: Rowley, T., Konsoer, K., Langendoen, E. J., Li, Z., Ursic, M., & García, M. H. (2021). Relationship of point bar morphology to channel curvature and planform evolution. Geomorphology 375. doi:

Sinuous rivers in peat

Published in River Flow, 2020

This paper is about meander in peat

Recommended citation: Guo, X. Y., Chen, D., Li, Z., Garcia, M. H., Parker, G., & Tanaka, G. (2020). Sinuous rivers in peat. In River Flow 2020 (pp. 1575-1581). CRC Press. doi:

2D numerical modeling on meander chute cutoffs

Published in River Flow, 2020

This paper is about chute cutoff modeling

Recommended citation: Li, Z., & García, M. H. (2020). 2D numerical modeling on meander chute cutoffs. In River Flow 2020 (pp. 524-529). CRC Press. doi: