A useful tool for EndNote + BibTeX users
A tool to repair the unusable BibTeX keys (RN+number) exported directly from EndNote. See this link for details:
To run:
python endnote2bibtex.py
This code/GUI is to repair the unusable BibTeX keys (RN+number) exported directly from EndNote (I’m using EndNote X9).
The keys after repairs follow similar rules as the ones exported from Google Scholar (firstauthorlastname+year+titlefirstword).
It also
adds letter suffixes to repeated keys (e.g. peter1998researcha, peter1998researchb),
adds curly brackets to preserve original title and journal names, and
cleans DOI.
It only handles already-formatted BibTeX files exported directly from EndNote, and may report errors when trying to convert arbitrary BibTeX files.
My EndNote Library.txt
is the raw output exported from EndNote X9. It contains the search result in Web of Science Core Collection database with these criteria: (year=2019
AND journal=JFM
AND title>=turbulence
) OR (year=2018,2019
AND journal=WRR
AND title>=flood
is the repaired output.